hey, what's up y'all it's luke and today I wanted to talk about Most Profitable Item In Krunker. trading has always been the best way to make profits quickly and some items are definitely more profitable than others. which makes you wonder what item is the most profitable.

depending on how good you are at trading you could also grind nothing too unobtainable on your twitch but profiting from nothing is pretty hard so I wouldn't recommend it.

also, this isn't really going to be a trade advice video because legit every trade advice guide ever made tells you which items are profitable.


I just wanted to talk about one item, in particular, that has room for over 5 million kr profit for those that traded for it. depending on how things play out it could either double in value or lose millions.

let me explain since season 5 was released you've probably seen all the new mods that came with it containing some of my favorite and least favorites to ever release. one of these new unobtainable had a really interesting entry into the market.


The first item in this Most Profitable Item In Krunker is the flying dutchman. this item is technically free besides having to pay all of your free time. but it also is quickly becoming one of the most expensive unobtainable in the game.

if you watched my last video I actually ended up trading for this item paying about 3.8 million kr. this price sets dutchman as the fourth most expensive unobtainable in the entire game.

only passed by ghosty frostbite and of course vertigo. I know a free item being one of the most expensive makes zero sense but it's the krunker market.

so it doesn't have to make sense for it to work. actually weren't all of these unobtainable given out for free anyways.

with it being given out for free from raids most people weren't willing to even pay rgb for it. let alone RGB and 500k ads like I did. but with still only five in existence no one has seen a six dutchman drop in almost two months.

this extremely low count has some people thinking that the devs intend to make it as rare as ghosty. and since ghosty and dutchman are both raid unattainable.

it could hint at them having a similar unit count. but with raids being permanent this time around I'm not expecting only 15 dutchman to ever drop but I do think they have to lock it eventually.

even with raids being out 24 7 many have quit trying due to the unobtainable somehow being too unobtainable.

it actually makes dutchman even rarer when no one is grinding raids anymore which is why a lot of people are expecting an insane price increase soon.


if you know how much ghost he trades for then you can see what i'm getting at with how profitable dutchman could be in the Most Profitable Item In Krunker

there is a huge difference between my dutchman offer and this ghosty offer and depending on if dutchman continues getting dropped extremely slowly this could be possible in the future.

of course there wouldn't be this much profit involved without twice as much risk and trust me there's a lot of risk with this trade.

why because raids are dead not even two months into the season too. no one plays raids anymore because no one who's ground raids have gotten anything good ever.

the risk comes into play when people begin to wonder if the raid drop rates could be changed to make it easier to get certain items.

so some are expecting the devs to raise the dutchman's drop rate because if no one ever gets it then what's the point in doing raids the current rate is 120 000 chance which sounds stupidly low.

It is a plus with adjustments already being made on the unobtainable before it's not ruled out that devs could decide to make it drop more often.

so what would this mean for dutchman's current price then it likely would drop the price a bit but again there is still hope for us greedy dutchman owners this change would only drop the price if people actually bothered to continue playing raids.

in the first place ultimately it's the players that decide how rare this item ends up being no matter what the devs decide to do with the drop rate.

personally, I don't think very many players will suddenly be motivated to play 24 7 for a dutchman only because it's slightly easier to get

 there is a way to fix raids and it definitely could bring more people back to grind for dutchmen raids ultimately needs new content.

This is our list for the Most Profitable Item in Krunker game.

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