warzone top five overpowered class setups in season three. now nobody knows what the meta currently is it's been super switched everything's been nerfed buff there's a whole bunch of stuff going on in this season and i have to say looking at people playing this game a bunch of people are using different weapons. there's not every single person using the same one it makes me kind of happy and i wish the game would stay like this but we all know there's going to be a meta soon. let's talk about the top five most overpowered guns.


    Talk about these classes because these guns are not guns that like you haven't ever used everybody has obviously used these guns but you might not think that they're good or viable again which they actually are since a bunch of the other weapons got nerfed.

    #Number 5

    number five  Most overpowered gun in Call of Duty Warzone is actually the growl i have a feeling a lot more people are gonna start using this gun again this used to be the meta. i think like a year ago every single person was using this weapon in war zone and it's slowly coming back. it's such a good gun it's very accurate and it's even good up close believe it or not it actually does a great job up close.

    a lot more so the first thing i have on the grout class obviously is the muzzle monolithic suppressor.

    it's really good you get that sound suppression and you get that damage range. it's something you need something you want and something that's really good to have on every modern warfare gun. after that we're going to go to the barrel and that is the tempest 26.4 inch arc angel this gives you again even more damage range bullet velocity and recoil control. which that recoil control is kind of nice to have on a gun. that's already very accurate now because it is the growl the iron sight is super nice on this you do not need to run an optic on this weapon right here.

    So we could actually utilize three other attachments rather than an optic. so this is really good. the first one being the underbarrel and i have to say the commando 4 grip is really nice the merc 4 grip is a great option as well but the commando 4 grip to me is a lot better. you get recoil stabilization aiming stability who doesn't want that. you can literally just smack people with this thing easily.

    #Number 4

    Number four Most overpowered gun in Call of Duty Warzone Right now i'm not really going to give you guys a class because you don't need a class for this one but all the other weapons on this list i will be giving you guys a class but the number four slot is actually a ground loot weapon weird i've never put one of these in the top five before but that's the mac 10.

    if you could find the mac 10 in a chest or a crate or whatever you want to call them you are set as a secondary that means that you could go. the second you get your first loadout you don't have to pull up your first class. just make sure you have your long distance weapon on a class that has ghosts and use the mac 10 as a secondary and you will drop people.

    because the mac 10 the floor loot one is crazy good you don't need anything else for close range especially if you just want to run the grou with the mac 10 don't bother throwing out throwing it on two classes just have ghosts make sure the mac 10 is the floor blue.

    #Number 3

    number three Most overpowered gun in Call of Duty Warzone so that was weird i've never done this is the cold war md5 now you could definitely use scratch what i said completely guys i had i don't mean the colder one you want to run the modern warfare one i don't know why i said the colder one the modern warfare one is the one that's better at the longer distances. you get sound suppression and damage range.

    the barrel is gonna be the fss mini you get ads speed and you get movement speed which is really nice because you're you could actually run really quick chase people they could also aim down sights really quick as well. the underbarrel is going to be the commando 4 grip once again you want recoil stabilization and aiming stability.

    The ammunition unfortunately you can't go higher than this but it is an smg so it makes sense we're going to be running the 45 round mags for this one right here and for the rear grip. you want to make sure you have stippled grip tape so you can get sprint to fire speed which is really nice.

    But you also get ads speed which is an amazing bonus to have on this right here so. you could be sprinting you see someone camping just shoot them right away and you'll be able to abs really fast.

    #Number 2

    That is actually going to be the as val now the as val is great for close range it's really honestly i think it's probably one of the best guns in the game for close range and it's an assault rifle which is kind of weird but it really works. so there is no muzzle option for this gun right here forget about it you'll never get one.

    But the barrel is good enough to replace a barrel and a muzzle all in one and that is the vlk 200 millimeter osa. you got damage range bullet velocity and a built-in suppressor so you don't need to run a barrel. it really works so you get ads speed aiming stability aim walking steadiness on the attack laser. the attack laser is the one you want to use it's not like i would never say to use the laser in warzone.

    But it does work out for this gun right here so all that kind of stuff right there is really nice to have and it makes this gun just feel a lot better just make sure you're not aiming down sights if you're camping in corners and stuff.

    Because the enemies will see that laser it's green it's bright and it's super visible. so make sure you're not just ads in the middle of nowhere under barrel is gonna be the commando 4 grip. again i've said this like three times you guys know what it does i don't think i need to say it again but just in case

    there's one person not paying attention i will say it it gives you recoil stabilization and aiming stability the ammunition.

    #Number 1

    Most overpowered gun in Call of Duty Warzone The kilo. the kilo i've noticed so many more people have been starting to use this again and it's for a good reason it's powerful super powerful not the best at really long ranges but it is powerful. it is accurate the m13 is accurate as well but it doesn't have the power that the kilo does in those mid-range gun fights and most of your gunfights that actually matter happen in the mid-range anyways.

    So the muzzle is going to be the monolithic suppressor i feel like every single gun on this list is actually modern warfare. The mac10 barrel is the syngard arms 19.8 inch prowler. you get damage range bullet velocity and recoil control.

    The optic is going to be the vlk three times optic. the under barrel is going to be the commando 4 grip commando 4 grip for that recoil stabilization and aiming stability wow i really love the commando 4 grip i just realized that i really love it. all my classes every single one of them has the commando 4 grip on it but it's for a good reason you guys know it's it's a great attachment to have.

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